Thursday, October 20, 2016

SwissCoin - How does it work with Mining, Token, Splitindicator ?

Allot of people missed the boat completely with the Bitcoin revolution which today is worth over $600 a coin.

Per Coin Conversions
$628.48 US Dollar
R8760.17 South African Rand
Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published the invention on 31 October 2008 in a research paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. It was implemented as open source code and released in January 2009. Bitcoin is often called the first cryptocurrency although prior systems existed.
swisscoin cryptocurrency
Starting at only 0.008 cents on the dollar, Bitcoin had people thinking this was a gimmick. Some mined 1000’s of coins sold them and even bought pizza thinking of it not of having any physical value – in comparison to holding a $100 bill that is. It was later realized that this crytocurrency or blockchain was in fact worth an absolute fortune. some made millions whilst other lost millions and not because the value decreased, but because they gave it away to friends, lost their vaults or wallets or simply didn’t bother to look after what is now a very valuable commodity.
Just One Example: Man buys $27 of bitcoin, forgets about them, finds they’re now worth $886k
So as you can see its no laughing matter when it comes to crytocurrency. So now a brand new opportunity has risen in the form of Swisscoins crytocurrency and blockchain. This is set to be the next bitcoin. It only launched in June 2016 and has grown to over 500k members.
The first 1 million members will receive 100 free Swisscoins which if you look at what 1 bitcoin is worth today would mean that each person is potentially receiving $62500 – for free, just for signing up. There is nothing to lose, other than a massive business opportunity for those that will this time take it more seriously, take a little action, forget about the technical aspects of this new currency and realise the opportunity in front of them. After all there is no mining to be done – all that is done for you by the company and its massive computing power.
Members also have the option to buy additional token packs and convert them to coins and there is also a split that happens every 3 months which gives members double the coins they already own.
Stop thinking about it and sign-up and get your free 100 swisscoins – it’s a no brainer.

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